About Us

Msgr. Arthur Lieux Assembly 2052 is composed of 4th Degree Knights from several Council's in Ascension Parish and the surrounding areas. We currently have about 150 Sir Knights in the Assembly plus an active Color Corps headed by Sir Knight Tommy Ruemker. The Former Master and the Former Vice Supreme Master for the Bienville Provence, Russell Ruh, is also a proud member of our Assembly.

The Assembly is involved in several activities in Ascension and surrounding Parishes including sponsoring a Pro-Life Rally in January, monthly Bingo at the Southeast Louisiana War Veterans Home, patriotic awards presented at area high school graduations in May, Honor Guard/Color Corps participation at wakes, church and scout functions and at most East Baton Rouge diocese celebrations requested by our Bishop. 

We also host District Promotional Meetings and State Exemplifications in our home Holy Mary KC Hall in Gonzales.


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